webserver ops

Set Up Multiple Websites with Nginx Virtual Hosts

Set Up Multiple Websites with Nginx Virtual Hosts

Setting up multiple website on Nginx

Suraj Dhakre

Setting up multiple websites with Nginx virtual hosts is important for several reasons. Firstly, it improves website performance by allowing each website to have its own dedicated resources. This means that if one website experiences a spike in traffic, it will not affect the performance of other websites hosted on the same server. Additionally, virtual hosts allow you to better manage and organize your websites, making it easier to make changes and updates.

Nginx 502 Bad Gateway: Causes and Solutions

Nginx 502 Bad Gateway: Causes and Solutions

Learn about the causes and solutions to the Nginx 502 Bad Gateway error

Suraj Dhakre

The Nginx 502 Bad Gateway error is a common issue that web administrators and developers encounter when working with the Nginx web server. This error occurs when Nginx acts as a gateway or proxy server and receives an invalid response from an upstream server.

Nginx 404: How to Diagnose and Solve the Problem

Nginx 404: How to Diagnose and Solve the Problem

Learn to diagnose and solve the Nginx 404 error

Suraj Dhakre

The Nginx 404 error is a common issue that occurs when a user tries to access a webpage or file that does not exist on the server. When this error occurs, the server returns a 404 status code, indicating that the requested resource could not be found. This can be frustrating for users and can negatively impact the user experience on a website.

A Layman's Guide to Setting up Mutual TLS on Nginx

A Layman's Guide to Setting up Mutual TLS on Nginx

Learn to set up Mutual TLS on Nginx

Suraj Dhakre

Ever heard of Mutual TLS? It might sound a bit jargony, but don’t worry, I’m here to break it down for you. In simple terms, it’s like a secret handshake for your web server and its visitors. In this post, we’ll walk you through setting up Mutual TLS on Nginx. So, let’s get started!